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News — photography


Dale Wilson Antique Pictureology business cost dale wilson photography

Before the photographer can establish a fee for their service, they must first know the cost of providing that service. This is arrived through hard numbers, not emotion.


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Real Photographers Make Negatives

Dale Wilson Antique Pictureology Canada Canadian Collodion Negative Contact Print dale wilson glass negative Halifax historical photo processes Nova Scotia photography Salt Print wetplate

Real Photographers Make Negatives

One of the fun components of working with collodion based image making is the many variations it provides. By reading 19th century literature it is easy to determine that photographers made negatives, all other practitioners were called tintypists, daguerreotypists and ambrotypists. This is why some contemporary collodion based photographers will sometimes say, with tongue in cheek and intended humour: Real photographers make negatives. Hobbit's Garden, Salted Silver Print   Is it more challenging to make a negative?  Most definitely. Are the rewards greater? That depends. Enjoyment comes in many different forms – I enjoy the opportunity to try the many different printing techniques...

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HALIFAX the CRADLE: Photography Introduced to British North America

Dale Wilson Canada Canadian Dartmouth Heritage Museum Dr Golding Bird Evergreen House Halifax historical photo processes Nova Scotia photography The Colonial Pearl The Rooms at Evergreen William Valentine

HALIFAX the CRADLE: Photography Introduced to British North America

Halifax can lay claim to being the cradle of photography in current day Canada.

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Herschel - An Unsung Pioneer

Dale Wilson antique Antique Pictureology dale wilson photography Sir John Herschel The Rooms at Evergreen

Herschel - An Unsung Pioneer

Sir John Herschel - a photographic genius who deserves his rightful place alongside the early pioneers of the medium.  

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